We Hold Your Hand & Take Care of The Heavy Lifting

Audience-Hub offers a comprehensive suite of tools and resources designed to streamline communication and optimize collaboration between Rights Holders and Brands. Whether you're an Airline, Food Delivery, Real Estate, or Ride Hailing, our platform provides the infrastructure you need to forge strong, strategic partnerships with brands looking to amplify their online presence.

Seamless Integration With Your Ad Platforms

Get Started In 3 Easy Seps

  1. Integrate digital rights into your sponsorship sales pitch with our guidance
  2. Link website, app and CRM database with ad platforms and define audience segments
  3. Connect Audience-Hub and let Brands or in-house teams manage digital activations

Live Reporting

Automated reporting helps you keep track of all the important KPIs. No more manual reporting on campaigns

Ad Approvals

Rights holders remain fully in control including the ability to approve ad creatives uploaded by Brands.

Data Regulation Friendly

No audience data is ever shared with the Brand or with Audience-Hub. It remains on your owned databases & systems.

Bridging The Gap Between Brands & Rights Holders for Effective Digital Marketing Collaboration

Unrivaled Expertise & Support

Tap into our wealth of knowledge and experience to take your digital marketing collaborations to the next level

Tailored Solutions for Every Partnership

Audience-Hub offers customizable solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of each collaboration

True Campaign Automation

We offer a comprehensive suite of tools designed to optimize collaboration between Rights Holders & Brands.

One Centralised platform

Audience-Hub can track the whole partnership package, including non-digital rights, all in one platform

Compliance & Data Privacy

Audience-Hub is completely data regulation friendly. No audience data is ever shared outside of your eco-system

Audience-First Approach

Customer Personalisation: Ensure personalized & relevant ads for your customers and enhance their journey

Schedule A Demo & Start With A Free Trial

    Unlock the power of first-party data with Audience-Hub.​

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